The Education Act requires students to attend school unless they are ill. If you know in advance that your child will be absent, please send a written note of explanation or telephone the school office.
Please telephone the school office before 8.50am if your child is unable to attend school or will be late. Unexplained absences will be followed up so we can be sure your child is safe.
In the interests of safety students are not permitted to leave the school grounds without a written note from parents which has been countersigned by a Senior Teacher. Students must then sign in/sign out at the office.
Full school assemblies are held in the school hall during the term approximately every 3rd Monday at 2.30pm. These assemblies showcase the achievement of students, including the recognition of students who have achieved to a high level, or who have made a real and sustained effort with their work. Selected classes will share their work and there will usually be a musical item.
Parents and friends of the school are encouraged to attend. Assembly dates are advertised in the school newsletter.
Please notify the school office if you change address or if your family circumstances change, as it is important that we have up-to-date information in the event of an emergency.
Important information required is:
A formal programme commences at Yr 7 and continues through to Yr 13.
Work experience/work tracking is usually available at Yrs 12-13 and is arranged by the Careers Advisor, Gemma Walsh. Students are regularly advised of STAR Courses which aim to give students some experience of the skills needed in specific employment areas. Most of these are short courses and many involve a Unit Standard Qualification which recognises the skills achieved during the course.
Good communication between staff and parents is essential for supporting each child’s learning. Staff are very appreciative of positive feedback from parents and the community about programmes and events offered to students.
Staff can be emailed. Please contact the school office to obtain the email address of the staff member you wish to contact.
There may be times when parents have concerns regarding their child’s education or behaviour. In the first instance parents are asked to contact the teacher concerned by phoning the school office for an appointment.
Should your concern remain unresolved, you are welcome to discuss any concerns directly with the Principal.
A copy of the Concerns and Complaints Policy is available from the Executive Officer.
During Term 3 we produce a Course Information Booklet outlining the courses which may be offered the following year.
Students are able to select a course of six options from those available.
Careers Advisor, Gemma Walsh, should be contacted in the first instance should you wish to discuss possible options for your child.
Detailed information on course selection is provided with the Course Guide.
The Board of Trustees’ Policy is that where the deliberate actions of a child, in breach of school rules, causes damage to property, an account will be sent to their parent/caregivers for the full cost of the damage caused.
The Dental Clinic trailer is on site for limited periods during the school year. During these times pre-school visits are arranged. If you need contact with the nurse during the period that she is not at school, ring the school office for assistance.
Emergency circumstances (eg flooding on bus routes or if the water supply is off at the school) may mean that some or all students may need to be evacuated from the school during the day. Where this is to happen we telephone each Caregiver (or emergency contact) to advise them of the evacuation.
Where we are unable to contact you or your emergency contact, your child(ren) will remain at school and we will endeavour to advise you of this.
Please note that students WILL NOT be sent home early where we are unable to contact you or your emergency contact.
Children may attend school from the day of their fifth birthday. Regulations prohibit enrolment before this. Students may start after their fifth birthday at parent’s discretion, however attendance after a child turns six is compulsory. Almost all children commence school at five.
We encourage parents of pre-schoolers to contact the school office so that we can organise our classes to cater for the new entrants coming in during the year. The New Entrant Teacher will contact you prior to your child’s fifth birthday to provide you with a pre-school enrolment kit and to organise visits for your child before they start school. Please ensure you get an enrolment pack and completeforms prior to the birthday.
Each Tuesday morning the junior classroom is open for all 4 year old students who will be attending our school. Students are welcome to attend 6 months prior to their start date. Our class starts at 8.45am and students are welcome to stay until lunch at 12.40pm.
Please notify the school office of your interest in attending these classes leaving contact phone numbers and email address.
When you enrol a child at school, you will be asked to complete an ‘Enrolment Form’ which is part of your child’s school records. This will include information such as:
You will need to provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate for our records. We are able to photocopy this if necessary.
Something is missing from here
Reading books may come home several times, they may appear easy; reading at home provides practise to improve word recognition, fluency and expression, and most importantly giving your child the feeling of success. Some tricky words may come up within the text-usually high interest words, names or topic specific to the book-you will need to provide help to child at these times.
Books that are left in your child’s book bag provide your child with ‘reading mileage’; I encourage you and your child to reread these books often. We will exchange them on a regular basis. Vary the activities and most importantly remember – It must be fun!
Thank you for your support. I look forward to a happy association with you and your child.
Ngā mihi Whaea Denise
Our learners have access to a range of web tools for learning. We use Mangahigh to support Maths learning and Google Classrooms to share activities between home and school. Tūiwhitu learners will develop their own online learning platform over the course of their learning. This will be the product of a Discovery, Design Development, Delivery and Debriefing process.
School staff will provide first aid treatment as required. If the ailment or injury is more serious, we will attempt to contact you at home or at work (if applicable), or your emergency contact, to take them to the doctor and/or hospital. If no one can be contacted, a staff member will take the child for treatment, while we continue to try to contact you. In serious situations an ambulance will be called.
Each year we update our medical information. If your child is on any medication or has any medical conditions, special forms are available from the office which outline the condition, its symptoms, and the treatment required. No medication will be administered by staff unless it has been supplied by Parent/Caregivers with the appropriate instructions.
Painkillers are not administered by the school. If your child is sufficiently unwell that they require this type of medication we will attempt to contact you to collect them.
Our Library is a combined School and Community Library.
Hours during term time:
Mon-Fri 9.45am-3.00pm
Other times are notified as necessary via Informer/School Newsletter.
Resources available in all the Tasman District Council Libraries can be accessed through the Tapawera Library.
The library has a direct line:
Telephone/Fax 03 522 4339
All items of clothing worn to school should be named.
The school can take no responsibility for lost valuables. If it is necessary for a student to have a large sum of money at school, this can be left at the school office.
Skateboards and small scooters can be used in designated areas, however the school cannot accept responsibility for this gear.
Our school is part of the ‘Lunch in Schools’ programme – these are supplied by Libelle
These go out to parents/caregivers of students fortnightly and sent home with students. We encourage newsletters to be sent via email. If you would prefer to have your copy sent via email please contact the school office with your details. If you have a notice for the newsletter please contact the school secretary by the Monday morning of the week of printing. Newsletters are distributed on Wednesdays.
Newsletters can be sent via email also. Please let the school office know your address if you wish to receive an email copy of the newsletter.
These are held twice a year. Parents/Caregivers are asked to stick closely to the allocated times to ensure that interviews run smoothly.
The staff are happy to discuss your child’s programme and progress at any time and a suitable time should be arranged through the school office.
We welcome parent helpers within the classes and on sport and EOTC trips and visits. If you are interested in helping in your child’s class please contact your child’s teacher. If you are interested in assisting children with special learning needs please contact the school office.
If you are collecting your children from school by car, please park alongside the pool/playcentre area so your children do not have to cross the road or walk through the bus bay. Please do not stop to pick up students in the bus bay during the hours of 8.30am – 9.15am and 3.00pm – 3.45pm.
Parking is available in the staff/visitors car park at the front of the administration block. . Vehicles may park in the bus bay between the hours of 9.15am-2.45pm.
A disabled car park is sign posted at the northern end of the staff car park. Additional parking is available in the section across the road from the school but please cross the road to collect your children.
The hall is available to groups and organisations for a small charge. Bookings are made through the School Office.
The office is open from 8.00am until 4.00pm week days. For any inquiries please contact the school secretary on:
Telephone 522 4337
Fax 522 4338
An answer machine operates outside of these hours.
8.45am- 9.00am Meeting – all
9.00 – 9..50 Period 1
9.50– 10.40 Period 2
10.40– 11.00 Morning Tea
11.00 – 11.50 Period 3
11.50– 12.40 Period 4
12.40 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 2.20 Period 5
2.20 – 3.10 Period 6
In the interests of safety students should not arrive at school before 8.20am.
Wadsworth Motors provide school bus transportation for students who are eligible. As a community service, they may provide transportation for a number of ineligible students by arrangement with them directly.
Designated senior students are appointed as Bus Monitors to assist with the supervision of students on buses. Most buses have allocated fixed seating where your child must sit; students must not leave their seat or kneel on their seat if the bus is in transit.
If your child wishes to bring a bicycle or large items to school please contact Wadsworth Motors in advance to ensure that this can be accommodated.
Non-bus students may travel on buses if space permits. Requests for this should be made to the School Secretary the day prior to the visit. (eg birthday parties)
If your child for any reason is to travel on a different bus, could you please contact Wadsworth Motors on 522 4248 and also the School Secretary a day prior to the event. This is to ensure that bus numbers are kept within the safety requirements.
Bus routes are:
Bus Departure Supervisor:
Please notify the school office if you change your address and your children will need to travel by bus.
If you have any concerns regarding buses, please contact Tracey Mytton
Students in Years 0-11 wear uniform.
A copy of the Primary and Secondary uniform is attached.
The school uniform can be purchased from The Warehouse in Richmond.
Sports T Shirts are purchased from the school office.
Written reports are provided twice a year and progress will be reported against curriculum objectives.
The report will also identify your child’s strengths and any areas for future focus. We strive to make reports informative and detailed. Staff are happy to discuss your child’s reports with you and an interview time can be arranged through the school office.
The school promotes SunSmart awareness in all students through:
A navy sunhat, available at the school office, is compulsory for students from Yr 1-10 in terms 1and 4.
Primary students who do not wear the sunhat are required to remain in shaded areas.
Students not wearing sunhats are required to remain under the verandah areas.
Students in Years 11-13 may wear any sunhat which is brimmed. Caps are not permitted for students wearing school uniform.
While teachers plan their programmes to provide for the needs of all students in their classes, special assistance will be provided to meet the special educational needs of some students.
This may be in the form of:
IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) will be developed for students requiring special programmes, in consultation with parents, teachers and other relevant agencies.
Term One:
Term Two
Term Three
Term Four
A range of stationery is stocked at the school and can be purchased from the office before school and at interval. Stationery lists for the next year are given to students on their last day of the fourth term or emailed to families during the first week of the school holidays. For primary classes, a note for replacement items is sent home as the need arises. This enables parents/caregivers to purchase stationery from any source.
We welcome any suggestions for things that may improve the school. This can be done by talking directly to the Principal or staff
The pools are usually open from the final month of Term 4 through to /March, weather permitting.
All students are expected to participate in the swimming programme. Students should bring togs and towel (named) each day unless advised otherwise. Secondary students may have extra opportunities to swim outside PE times on extremely hot days.
The pools are usually open at lunch time for recreational swimming. Swimming pool rules are clearly displayed in the pool areas. Students who behave in an unsafe manner will be asked to leave the pool.
Outside groups and clubs are welcome to make use of school facilities, by arrangement with the Executive Officer. A small charge may be made for this.
Children are welcome to use the playground equipment and grounds outside of school hours, during daylight hours. They are expected to keep clear of buildings and out of bounds areas.
Outside groups and sports clubs are welcome to make use of the grounds by arrangement with the Principal or Executive Officer.
All visitors to the school are required to sign in and sign out at the school office.
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